2015 EXAMS:
Date: 15th May
B1...... --> 3.30 - Facultad de educación (ya podéis mirar en qué aula os ha tocado)AQUÍ
A1, A2, B2, C1 ............ --> 6.30 h. - Facultad de educación (ya podéis mirar en qué aula os ha tocado)AQUÍ
El examen consta de:
Listening: (suele hacerse en primer lugar) consta de 2 ó 3 ejercicios dependiendo del nivel.
Leed bien cada ejercicio, aprovechad el tiempo que se os da para leer cada ejercicio, es muy importante ser consciente de lo que nos piden.
Reading: 3 ó 4 ejercicios para leer textos y contestar preguntas relacionadas con ellos (true/false; responder preguntas; match paragraphs...)
Writing: escribir 1 ó 2 textos dependiendo del nivel (1 para A1 y A2, 2 para el resto)
Speaking: cada alumno será citado en las fechas delimitadas (ver orden aquí) y deberá presentarte en el aula que le corresponda.
A1: 5 - 7 questions (daily routines, likes, personal,...)
A2/ B1/ B2: the exam has 3 parts;
Part 1. Individual questions (+/-short answers)
Part 2. Individual long turn (you have to speak about a topic for 1-3 minutes (depending on the level))
Part 3. Interaction (speaking with your partner, ask and answer questions, give your opinion, agree/ disagree on a situation given...).
*Llegar con al menos 15 minutos de antelación, recordad que a esa hora EMPIEZA el examen, con lo cual hay que estar ya sentados y preparados para ello!
*Llevar agua, en esa época suele hacer calor... beber un poco de agua tranquiliza.
There we are.... THE CALIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED!!! Look at this page:
THE MARKS Hi to everyone!
I am still looking through the ILM web page (ILM - Universidad Extremadura) but I haven't found the marks anywhere.
I will continue looking for them and be informing you through the morning and afternoon... Don't worry!!
What I can tell you for sure, I will be in the high school tomorrow (wednesday, 5th June) for the exams revisions,
From: 17.00 to 19.00
If you can't tomorrow, Jevan will be there on thursday.
ILM exams will follow the Cambridge format:
A1 exam:
I would suggest focusing on the 'Can You Remember' parts of the book at the end of each module. The 'Can Do's' at the end of each module are the CEF objectives required.
The listenings for the exam are very similar to the ones found in the book, as are the writing tasks.
The oral exam for this level is done individually. The examiner has a list of questions that s/he asks the candidate. The exam itself lasts approximately 5 minutes. The questions are based on the 'Can You ...?' section at the end of the 'Can You Remember' parts of the book. It is important that the candidate is able to not only answer the questions, but understand the prompt.
A2 exam:
The A2 exam is based on the KET exam. http://www.cambridgeesol.org/exams/ket/index.html
It is important to focus on the 'Can Do's' found at the end of each module. If you are able to do these, you should be able to pass the test.
B1 exam:
For the B1 exam, once again it is important to focus on the Can Do lists at the end of each module in the book but remember that the exam(s) is NOT based totally on the book and follows the CEF requirements.
The exam format is based on the PET examhttp://www.cambridgeesol.org/exams/pet/index.html
You can find more practice here http://www.examenglish.com/PET/?gclid=CIG__IH_7rMCFUfJtAodEFgAqw and here http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/preliminaryenglish/index.htm and here http://esl-bits.net/main2.htm
Here is an example of a full PET exam https://www.teachers.cambridgeesol.org/ts/digitalAssets/112701_Sample_paper_R_W_PET.pdf.
The speaking exam for this level is done in pairs and lasts 10 minutes.
Here we model the exam on the PET, but do not do all the parts. The oral exam goes like this
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjIYSM27z_U
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASdBL1Rb30k
B2 exam:
It will be based on the First Certificate Exam. http://www.cambridgeesol.org/exams/fce/index.html The format is similar to the other exams.
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